Thursday, January 24, 2013


CHUBBY LITTLE BELTER - spent his formative years with his grandmother, eating Twinkies and watching her shows. He always wanted to be "just like Hope Brady on Days of our Lives" and auditioned for his local college's theatre arts program. But he soon realized that his body type wasn't quite the svelte loveliness of Kristian Alfonso. Ever pragmatic, Chubby Little Belter took a look at his grandmother's other favorite show (reruns of Designing Women) and found his new idol: Delta Burke. 

Chubby Little Belter originally entered college as a Merman-esque powerhouse, but quickly switched to Actor Training after his classmates kept taunting him with "You'll be swell. You'll be great. As you reach for a third dinner plate!" 

After taking multiple "Acting for the Camera" classes, Chubby Little Belter decided that the whole "camera adds 10 pounds" thing was awfully unfair. He moved to Louisville, KY and started the local branch of the "Delta Burke Fan Club." He has five cats named Dixie, Delta, Annie, Jean, and Meshach.

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